Call of duty season 5 newest perks revealed
As the newest Call of Duty game rapidly approaches, Activision has begun to reveal more and more about the game. Recently, they released a trailer that showcased the new Perks system for Season 5. There are now ten perks in the game, which players can use to customize their characters. The new perks are called Diversion, Resistance, Adaptability, Instincts, Kill Chain, Precision, Damage Control, Sustain, Tracker and Underdog. Diversion causes enemy grenades to detonate farther away from the player, Resistance increases the amount of damage that players can take before dying, Adaptability allows players to swap weapons more quickly, Instincts highlights enemies through walls, Kill Chain increases the amount of damage that players deal with consecutive kills, Precision makes it easier to score headshots, Damage Control reduces the amount of damage that players take from explosives, Sustain gives players more health, Tracker reveals enemy footprints, and Underdog temporarily increas...